
Welcome to the Lifgun-Blog. I am Markus Moser and i document my adventures in sailing around the globe. Now i’m getting ready for the Ostar race 2020!

The doldrums aka Pot Noir

The doldrums aka Pot Noir

Hi All

Since 3 days the expression "Pot Noir" makes completely sense for me. It is a "Pot Noir" out here. It starts with clouds and turns then slowly into a black soup with thunderstorms, lightnings, rain showers, turning winds from 3 to 35 knots and almost no sun. Okay, air and water are around 30 degrees warm.  But it's really unbelievable how shaky the air masses are. Especially during the night it's somehow scary if the lightnings are flashing up around you and you have no idea what exactly is going on. Somehow stress to be honest. Right now a rain shower was crossing us, wind is 7 knots from south (!) and we are sneaking along here.  Although I believe strongly in the fact that the worst is over, also based on the fact that the winds are turning slowly to south. This indicates normally that you've reached the southern trade winds.

Ahh... today is Christmas, I think where I am is the right place for a single handed sailor to celebrate Christmas. Better then to sit on a remote island and celebrate there. At least I found some Christmas songs on my IPhone which I listen now....and added some decoration.

Lets's approach the equator as next ... a little  bit more then 3 latitudes away... let's see how long this takes.

So, wish all of you merry Christmas and a happy day from 03.58.634 N / 27.32.957 W at 24.12.2016 - 10.03 UTC


Gotcha ! Crossed equator at December 27'th, 2016 -- 04.09 UTC

Gotcha ! Crossed equator at December 27'th, 2016 -- 04.09 UTC

Roaring down south

Roaring down south