
Welcome to the Lifgun-Blog. I am Markus Moser and i document my adventures in sailing around the globe. Now i’m getting ready for the Ostar race 2020!

Limping Lifgun

Limping Lifgun


Just discovered first Albatross at 35 degrees south. Big birds. In the meantime I was fighting with some defects. First of all one of the two steering cables broke. That means that until CT only one wheel is working. Not a big deal but somehow not ideal - no backup anymore. Then hydrogen socket broke. I had a replacement on board but is so tiny to connect the wires wit that plug and it have to made with solder. I have a soldering iron on board, but to solder in the middle of the ocean is not really easy...the quality was rather poor. Therefore I finally decided to make a direct connection to the batteries which is so far working wonderful. It seems that we need another ten days to reach CT. And the weather predicts a route which goes down to around 38 degrees south. Knocking on the roaring forties :-) and it also seems that wind is increasing from day to day. But not that bad angles. Still sailing (since days) with full Main and Code zero. The mood is good and I've seen blue sky's for all my life. No rain since the doldrums !

Wish you all a great weekend from 34.27.864 S / 14.27.428 W January 13'th 2017 / 11.29 UTC

50 shades of grey

50 shades of grey

Quote Amel Le Cleac'h : "Une situation météo vraiment anormale !"

Quote Amel Le Cleac'h : "Une situation météo vraiment anormale !"