Back on track
Good morning Folks !
After two nights sailing the sea legs are back an we are in routine again. The funny thing about this trip is, that I'm sailing more or less close to the cost line, but the feeling is the same as it was in the middle of the ocean. Huge swell, no traffic (and no means no...), some birds and us. However I've slept a lot to recover from the Cape Town stay and we driving with around 7 knots direction north. 250 nm to go for Lüderitz. Wind force 5 and blues sky. I'm completely happy that everything is working aboard Lifgun. The Radar is awesome - weight only 5 kg...which means we saving again 4 kg in the rigg. But the most amazing thing is the new autopilot. The heading sensor is a (I think) 8 axis giro which interprets the swell movement much more precise then the one before. I estimate that the rudder movement has been reduced by 40 % - and this means less power consumption and less use of the hydraulic steering arm. I'm really pleased. To be out here also gives me the opportunity to reflect over our Cape Town stay. The funniest thing happened on the last evening. I was invited to the Cape Town Comedy Theater, they are dedicated to standup comedy - something we rather not know in continental Europe. I was standing there and was zipping on my beer, the comedian was in a big fight with a spectator in the first row which was a middle aged Brit. Extremely funny....suddenly he was shouting in my direction and asked me why I'm standing on my table and not (like everybody else) were using my chair (it was one of this high bar tables)....however he asked me from were I am and I answered from Switzerland. He was looking at me and replied : Cool somebody from Swaziland (whole croud were laughing). He called me to the stage and we were producing some 10 minutes together standup comedy. It was extremely funny. However after that there was a public vote for the spectator of the evening (measured by the noise of the croud) ....guess what : I won :)) - 2 tickets for the Cape Town Comedy Theater ! On the way to the car everybody was saying - Good night Swaziland or good night Switzerland to me....outstanding. Things sometimes just working out completely different then we think in the beginning. So... if you have a chance to visit this theater -> please go ! It's something which is (especially for us Swiss) a very curative experience. And its far beyond what we know as "Cabaret".
In this tradition I wish everybody a funny weekend :-))
February 25, 2017 07.15 UTC - from 31.03.134 S / 15.59.333 E