
Welcome to the Lifgun-Blog. I am Markus Moser and i document my adventures in sailing around the globe. Now i’m getting ready for the Ostar race 2020!



Sorry Folks for the long silence ! But it was a busy time here in Cape Town. I thought that I should deliver some stats from the trip down to Cape Town :


Total nautical miles sailed : 8’192

Total time spent sailing : 50 days

Diesel consumption in total : 220 liters

Average speed : 6.9 knots


Broken gear :


Hydro Generator support


Main Halyard

Auto pilot linear drive

Steering wire 




Lost gear :


Lots of lures

1 Winch handle


Medical problems :


8 days before I arrived in Cape Town a slight pain started in the right shoulder. After being here it became worse and worse… since I’m here i was visiting the Chiropractor 5 times and still suffer under extrem pains. After doing a X-ray today I wait for final diagnosis - but for sure a nerv is blocked. The reason for all this was a wrong sleeping position during the trip (Chiro guy is somehow a sailor too). See attached pic to learn how a correct sleeping position looks. Further plans will be published soon ! 


Enjoy your weekend ! Cape Town February 3’th 2017 - 17.24 UTC

This is fucking awesome

This is fucking awesome

Fasten your seat belts - the big u-turn south

Fasten your seat belts - the big u-turn south