Two weeks at sea
Hello Friends
We are now out here since two weeks. Sailed almost 2000 nautical miles and well passing the Seychelles Islands today. As Stephanie informed me the cyclone is still sticking in Madagscar and reached hurricane force in the meantime. Good thanks Im not involved in this. Out here we have force 4 winds with moderate seas and we sailing on starboard tack since days or weeks. This morning we entered the high risk area (hra) which is under protection from some international army forces. Therefore the office work increased significant, because we need to keep in touch with the headquater in Ireland. This will stay until we reach the red sea. The plan now is to head a bit more north east (maybe 4 days) and then tack and try to reach the Horn of Aden and cruising west, direction red sea and Suez. So far Im very satiesfied with our progress, although its a lot upwind sailing which is just not very comfortable-but as always - nature is boss. Lifgun is in excellent shape - as I thought already in Richards Bay - she probably never was in better condition. Based on that, my days are more or less quiet, beside the fact that I live on a 30 degree slope )). Never been at the Seychelles and now... im just passing. But anyways - at least now I know where they are ! I have my own island. Small but well equiped.
Hopefully the waves getting smaller in the next 24 hours and then even the upwind sailing becomes cool.
Wish you all a cool weekend ! From 04.53.026S / 51.57.985E 10.53 UTC / Saturday, December 6th 2018