
Welcome to the Lifgun-Blog. I am Markus Moser and i document my adventures in sailing around the globe. Now i’m getting ready for the Ostar race 2020!

Suez Canal

Suez Canal

Good evening All, first half of the Suez passage is over, Lifgun is docked in Ismailia alongside the yacht club and is as always the only yacht here. The passage was so fare breathtaking---first of all it's just cool to sail trough a desert, second - it's cool to have a pilot aboard, no steering work for me....third the cargo vessels are immense, 4'th the light and the ambience is amazing. I was enjoying every second of this journey. Now in Ismailia the (in the meantime) normal paperwork is taking place (I'm used to it already) and the upside is, that they have a cool restaurant in the club - was having dinner there for a total amount of 66 Pounds which equals 3.20 CHF or 3 Euros. That means : Salad, Soup, first courses - then chicken with veggie, french fries and rice, a coke and a bottle of water...Awesome isn't it ? First I was asking in the cafe area if there is a chance to eat something, it wasn't - but a guy offered me his lentils soup - which was awesome ! People here are really kind, and they very happy to see and to present them selves to foreigners...could be point to learn for us....As usual Lifgun is the main photo attraction from the first second on, a wedding was using her, now a not stopping flow of people taking pics in front of her - it's really fun. One thing which is really attracting me by sailing is that you normally reach places were no other tourists are, this gives you a unique view to the country and the people. Listening the sound of the mosque in the sunset and heaving a beer is just unbelievable ! Go sailing!!

Sent from Ismailia February 4'th, 2018 @ 17.00 h 

In the Med again

In the Med again

Finally arrived in Suez

Finally arrived in Suez