Lifgun's next BIG adventure
Hey Friends, since arrived a year ago in Turkey, after sailing up from South Africa, the boat and myself are in good shape again and ready for a new adventure. The new adventure is called Ostar which is a single handed trans atlantic race (aka Transat) which starts in Plymouth UK and ends in Newport Rode Island. If anybody ever saw the movie “the perfect storm”, this movie is playing in that area. The route will bring us in the very not of the Atlantic. I will later dive a bit into the history of this race. For now, I’m just very excited to be part of it and as a side effect an old dream of mine, to sail once into New York City seems to become true ! The race starts @ May 10’th 2020 /12.00 h BST. Thats all for now. I’ll keep you posted with the preparation work and be sure - Lifgun will do a couple of cool shakedown trips before that!