
Welcome to the Lifgun-Blog. I am Markus Moser and i document my adventures in sailing around the globe. Now i’m getting ready for the Ostar race 2020!

Everyday change

Everyday change

Hi Friends

Winds are changing quick here in the Red Sea. In the night from Saturday to Sunday the Blue Water halyard broke. Force 5 winds, gusts 6...the sail went under the boat and riped....2 to 3 meters waves and pitch dark - I finally decided to let him go, thats the disantvantage of single handed sailing. Such situations normally turned out very crucial and dangerous. Anyways - life is going on and hopefully the insurance will share the costs....Monday was during daylight a perfect sailing day, after sunset the wind slowed down to 5 knots and this is the situation until now..Just get the info from Meteogib (Stephanie) that over the Med a low pressure system is building and probably from Thursday until Saturday there will be strong northerly winds up to gale force - worst should be Friday afternoon. We will see... Still some hunderts miles to go - most of them probably upwind. But Suez is coming closer. During the nights the sea is filled up with unlighted fishing boats - they only
switch on a white light if they see that we drive in there direction....Amazing is the technique they still use for fishing. Small boats, small engines - tons of people aboard. Today its day 32 probably we will end up with 37 to 38 days until Suez, depending on the conditions in the next days. Mood is good, I made the wash today (hopefully last time) and cleaned the bilge from expolded coke cans - Tonight Ill bake another bread and enjoy a hopefully quite night. I know that things changing fast and in 2 days I would like to be in calm seas instead of banging against the wind - but there is no way to change anything. 

Sent from 17.39.636 N / 39.45.372 E - 13.54 UTC / January 23th 2018

Egypt Navy

Egypt Navy

Tough night

Tough night