
Welcome to the Lifgun-Blog. I am Markus Moser and i document my adventures in sailing around the globe. Now i’m getting ready for the Ostar race 2020!

Egypt Navy

Egypt Navy

Hi Guys

Entered this morning Egypt, an Egypt Military Vessel was checking us out by radio. The usual questions are : Ship Name, Captains nationallity, home port of the vessel, MMSI number, call sign, number of persons aboard, next port of call, last port of call - after telling the officer that my last port of call was Richards Bay - 40 seconds of silence on the radio )))) - alone from South Africa to here ??? was the following question .....Anyhow they were sailing paralell to me for half an hour and watching me how I reefed the mainsail then turned away....Very nice guys ! Altough life is tough out here, beating upwind in force 4 to 6 is not fun. And the wind is turning all day long by at least 20 degrees. The gusty conditions, within seconds from force 4 to force 6 are just anoying. And the waves as well as the current are changing in the same speed.... less then 500 miles to go. Hopefully on Monday evening or Tuesday morning we shoud arrive in Suez. For tonight some strong winds
ahead...The generator is not working again - but so what )) Im within the range where I can use the engine for to fill up my energie needs...Lets keep fighting... fucking red sea !

Sent from 22.45.602 N / 37.40.690 E - 16.00 UTC / January 26, 2018

Last Sunday in the Red Sea

Last Sunday in the Red Sea

Everyday change

Everyday change